A vaccine is a lifesaver, immunity booster biological preparation that offers active acquired immunity against a specific and highly infectious disease. We Indians call these vaccines “Sanjeevani” which helps us fight dreadful diseases. A vaccine resembles an infectious disease-causing micro-organism that helps your body identify and destroy it. Vaccines can be prophylactic or therapeutic. Vaccines are like soldiers developed internally ready to protect your body from infections.

Pandemic diseases have abruptly harmed a huge population for millennia, causing millions of deaths. The bubonic plague known as the Black Death killed millions of people across the globe. Bird Flu, Spanish Flu, and many other such pandemic diseases have affected to the huge population. The vaccine can prevent humans from attaining such kinds of diseases. Vaccination is a practically effective method of widespread immunity against infectious diseases. They have helped in the eradication of diseases like smallpox and restriction of Polio, Measles, and many more.

Coronavirus is an infectious disease. It is a SARS-CoV-2, that has caused a pandemic of respiratory infection, named COVID-19. It is spread from person to person through the breath, talk, cough, sneeze and due to touch with infectious hands of the affected person. This is a mutating virus resulting in various symptoms like cough, fever, body ache, breathing issue, loss of smell and taste, conjunctivitis, skin rashes, nausea, diarrhoea, sore throat, fatigue and we keep getting new symptoms due to mutations in the virus.

What's the solution? Vaccination

The world has stopped. The only effective tool to fight against this pandemic is Vaccination. Vaccination helps us against the coronavirus as soon as we come in contact with it. It uses our body’s natural defence to build resistance to coronavirus infection. It helps the body create antibodies that build a stronger immune system. It is like a missile system built to guard to destroy the enemy before it enters our system.

Vaccines contain weakened or killed forms of germs like bacteria and viruses that’s why people tend to fall for misconceptions. These bacteria’s introduce our body to the corona virus and help them to understand and create antibodies against the strain. They do not cause the disease or risk any kind of complication.

This covid-19 vaccine not only protects us, but also our loved ones and everyone around us from getting infected and spreading it. Some conditions like pregnancy or certain severely ill people are not assigned for vaccination. In such cases, they depend on the rest of us to get vaccinated and reduce the risk factor for them.

This tool of vaccination becomes critically important as children are being prevented by regular vaccination. This can lead them to face the diseases that can be immunized with vaccines. Let's accept this tool and fight this pandemic.

How does a vaccine work?

Vaccine recognizes the invading germs. These stresses of bacteria or viruses are already present in the body due to vaccination that helps build a defence system. Our natural defence mechanism builds antibodies for these viruses and bacteria. Once the virus enters our body, our body system knows it and attacks the virus to destroy it before it makes you ill.

Prevention is always better than cure. Rather than struggling to cure this coronavirus after infection one should get vaccinated and cleverly defeat the strain of this deadly virus.

One can face post-vaccine symptoms like fatigue, fever, body pain, but these are the symbol of bodies reaction in accepting the vaccine. These are not dangerous, and one can recover within two days with simple medication. Don’t feel afraid and restrain yourself from taking a second dose. These two doses of vaccine can provide your immunity for a long period from coronavirus.

Foreseeing the future one must continue wearing masks, maintaining social distance, sanitizing hands, and following all the safety measure to stop spread and protect yourself. Stopping this pandemic is a high-level task that needs this vaccination tool. As per the recent data people who are vaccinated with both doses are less likely to be infected and potentially less likely to spread the infection as well. A double dose will prevent the virus from causing severe damage.

The only solution for this coronavirus is avoiding getting infected with the help of the Vaccination method. Hearsay will divert you from getting vaccinated, the misconception will keep you on standby. All this will lead to the loss of only one person and that is you yourself.  Take your step to make yourself a defendant against this pandemic disease with this vaccination tool.

Approach Jehangir Hospital Vaccination center to get answers to all your queries. Our chairman and all the staff have led an example to the society by getting vaccinated. Help yourself and your family by getting vaccinated to fight against covid-19.