Foetal Medicine
Fetal Medicine
Foetal Medicine
Fetal Medicine


Fetal Medicine is a super-speciality branch wherein the focus is on health of the mother and her unborn baby. It aims to manage the health concerns of the foetus as a separate entity. The aim is to screen the pregnancies from as early as first trimester (11-14 weeks) for foetal structural defects, chromosomal abnormalities (Trisomy 21 – Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13- Patau Syndrome, Trisomy 18- Edward Syndrome), genetic syndromes and pre-eclampsia (hypertension related to pregnancy), followed by detailed survey of the foetus for structural defects in the second trimester and assessment of foetal growth and well-being in the third trimester. It also involves counselling the expectant couples in case of foetal complications. Besides looking after the unborn baby, the aim is also to be a constant guide to the mother in her most treasured 9 months of pregnancy.

Fetal Medicine specialists are ‘physicians of the unborn baby’, who super-specializes after post-graduation in radiology or obstetrics. They are specialised to understand the unborn, predict and recognise the problems which you or your baby may have during pregnancy with the help of ultrasound scans and various other tests. Once a problem is found, they will counsel you in detail in very simple language to make you understand the problem and also discuss various management options with you and also intervene wherever necessary. They work in close coordination with the managing obstetricians and screen all the pregnancies for abnormalities or complications. They also work closely with neonatologists, paediatricians or paediatric surgeons for counselling and management of certain abnormalities of the unborn baby. The aim is also to give you an in-depth, clear, simplified, descriptive and extremely memorable pregnancy scanning experience.

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Services available at Jehangir Centre for Foetal Medicine
  • Counselling for pregnancy and foetal complications (All scans are accompanied with basic description + additional counselling of any complication if necessary, after an in-depth discussion with the referring obstetrician and the concerned paediatric super specialist)
  • Pre-pregnancy counselling in ‘bad obstetric history’ cases
  • Combined Foetal-Genetics Clinic for parental and foetal genetic evaluation and counselling
  • Foetal monitoring and management of multiple pregnancies and their complications
  • Foetal monitoring and management of Rh incompetency (Diagnosis of anaemia and its treatment by ‘In utero foetal blood transfusion’)
  • Scan for other indications
  • Foetal MRI
  • Foetal autopsies
1. Diagnostic:
  • Chorionic Villous Sampling (for various indications)
  • Amniocentesis (for various indications)
  • Foetal blood sampling / Cordocentesis (for various indications)
2. Therapeutic:
  • Foetal Reduction in multi-foetal pregnancies
  • In Utero foetal blood transfusion (IUT)In foetal anaemia
  • Amniodrainage / Amnioinfusion
  • Foetal Shunt (Plural / UB)
  • Amniodrainage / Amnioinfusion
  • Cord coagulation / interstitial laser / RFAin complicated Monochorionic twins (TAPS/ sIUGR / Discordant anomalies / TRAP sequence / etc.)
  • Fetoscopic laser ablation for TTTS
  • Serum Screening by UKNQAS accredited labs (recognised by FMF UK)
  • 1 trimester Double marker for Aneuploidies
  • βhCG & PAPP-A
  • 1st trimester Quad screening (βhCG + PAPP- A + PIGF + AFP) for Aneuploidies, Preeclampsia & Neural Tube defects nd
  • 2 trimester Quadruple test
  • Non-invasive cell free DNA (NIPT)
  • Maternal infection screening followed by diagnostic amniocentesis for foetal infections
  • Prenatal Karyotyping
  • Prenatal Thalassemia screening followed by diagnostic CVS, if screen positive
  • Molecular KT or microarray on products of conception (not blood test)