
Have you or a relative suffered a brain injury (BI)?
People can suffer an injury to the brain due to many reasons. Different types of brain injury seen at the centre are:
Head Trauma: caused by road traffic accident or post-surgical damage (e.g. after tumour removal, epilepsy surgery etc.) Stroke or brain haemorrhage Cerebral hypoxia: due to reduced oxygen supply to the brain (for example after cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, drowning etc.) Brain Infection: e.g. Meningitis, encephalitis. Brain Inflammation: e.g. Vasculitis. Other toxic or metabolic insult: for example, hypoglycaemia Dementias: such as Alzheimer’s, Vascular, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
Problems caused by brain injuries (BI)
Depending on the type of brain injury and the location of injury, a person with moderate to severe brain injury may face a combination of cognitive, behavioural/emotional, physical or psychosocial problems. Some difficulties under these categories are listed below:
- Cognitive (thinking) difficulties:Memory or learning new information Attention Perception Problem solving Identifying & understanding errors Safety awareness Self-monitoring Social judgment
- Behavioural/emotional difficulties: Easily crying or laughing Depression and anxiety Adjustment problem Aggressive outburst Disinhibition (such as use of rude/hurting words, impulsivity) Poor motivation/initiation Inappropriate behaviour Psychosis.
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What type of treatment is needed to manage cognitive, emotional and behavioural problems after a brain injury?
International guidelines recommend that cognitive rehabilitation especially holistic/comprehensive neuropsychological rehabilitation should be the practice standard for managing cognitive, emotional, and behavioural problems after brain injury, and that this is proven to be effective even for people who are many years post their brain injury. For more details please refer to the following international guidelines:
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine: Cognitive Rehabilitation Task Force
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: The Road to Recovery
Jehangir Centre for Neuropsychology follows internationally recommended holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation model for providing rehabilitation. It is the first and the only centre in the region to provide comprehensive neuropsychological rehabilitation. The rehabilitation programme offered at the centre includes:
Neuropsychological (Cognitive) assessment of thinking, memory, judgment, emotions, behaviour and personality, using a range of specially designed tests. Brain injury education involves helping patients and their families understand the brain injury, and how cognitive changes can impact on daily functioning of the patient. Cognitive rehabilitation helps patients develop new strategies to deal with cognitive problems and to improve their level of day to day functioning and ability. Assistive technology based cognitive rehabilitation uses gaming platforms such as Xbox and Kinect System to improve concentration ability, information processing ability, mental fatigue, and develop meta-cognitive strategies. Interventions for managing emotional and behavioural problems like anger outburst, depression, or anxiety. Psychotherapy and counselling for helping patients and their families come to terms with and accept the changes that a brain injury brings about in a person, to manage the stress amongst family members and to create new goals and meaning in life. Multidisciplinary approach alongside physiotherapy department towards integrative management of physical and cognitive problems post brain injury.
Unique Features:
Cognitive Assessment for Inpatients (IPD): Cognitive assessment and specialist rehabilitation provided to inpatients to facilitate early recovery and return to independent functioning after hospital discharge. Specialist neuropsychological advice and cognitive rehabilitation aimed to facilitate return to work/studies/independent living. Virtual reality and assistive technology based cognitive rehabilitation. Multi-disciplinary individual and group therapy programmes for patients and family members. Brain injury related education materials on display (and on request) produced in collaboration with international agencies and experts. Some booklets include: Learn How Brain Injury Affects You: Cognitive, Emotional and Behavioural Changes, Advice For People Who Are Returning To Work After Having Suffered A Brain Injury Or Brain Illness, Managing Mental Fatigue After Brain Injury or Brain Illness, Carers Guide To Management Of Patients After A Brain Injury. Follows international guidelines and recommendations in treatment and management of brain injury cases.
Jehangir Centre for Neuropsychology is headed by Dr Farzana Mulla, who has vast experience and expertise in managing different types of brain injuries. She has had specialized training and work experience in a centre of excellence, brain injury rehabilitation centre in the UK. She is invited to speak at various national and international level conferences related to her work with brain injury people in India and has brain injury related publications in international journals.