Marking the beginning of a revolutionary era:
Today, individuals are more focused on their technological transformation journeys. Efficiency, personalization, freedom, and convenience are the enabling pointers of superior delivery systems. The healthcare domain remains to be one of the least digitized systems around the world, still relying on paper-based operations. 5G has created a buzz among healthcare professionals due to the promises of catalyzing the chain reaction of digital transformation.
In the healthcare industry, technologies like wearables, robotic surgeries, and telemedicine fields have opened up an array of opportunities. The enormous potential in the high-speed 5G will change the way healthcare is delivered. The fifth-generation wireless network is much faster than our current 4G network available in mobiles and wifi. It is a paradigm shift. Not only enhanced mobile broadband experience but the technology will be also tailored towards large-scale machine-to-machine communications.
New-age technologies like the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, add up to the current lifecycle. Now, this latest generation of cellular mobile connections in India will outperform/transform outdated medicinal systems into smart hospitals.
“With 5G, translators can video conference with the patient and doctor using models at the network edge with low latency.”
The future of healthcare lies here:
1. Quickly transmitting large imaging files
“We used to send files after hours” “Patients did not get reports on the same day and had to visit us again” many doctors reported this recently. MRIs and other imaging files had to be sent to experts for review which was time taking. 5G speed changes this architecture by quickly and reliably transmitting the data.
2. Expanding telemedicine
Telemedicine is improving in rural areas while being backed by many government-led initiatives. High-quality video communication is required to implement telemedicine applications that demand wired networks. Faster access to specialists and quick analysis will be possible due to 5G networks. With 5G, healthcare systems can transfer data using mobile networks to handle appointments, connect to specialists and offer quick analysis.
3. Improving spatial computing
5G-enabled AR and VR will be the future for reducing pain for terminally ill patients with calming options via 5G. artificial intelligence and virtual reality are in process with limited potential in healthcare.
4. Real-time remote monitoring
Due to current network bandwidth limitations, doctors are not able to gather real-time data for providing quick decisions. Wearing IT devices, doctors can monitor patients and collect useful data which can be stored for improving personalized and preventive healthcare. With 5G, healthcare officials can offer remote monitoring for more patients with lower latency and higher capacity.
5. Artificial intelligence
AI can help predict about patient’s post-operative complications, which can assist healthcare providers with early preventive measures whenever required. AI tools can be used from anywhere, whether hospital or home, the efficiency of 5G network lies in its speed.
Revolutionary benefits for one and all:
The huge amount of data generated from MRIs and CT scans can be transmitted quickly between hospitals and doctors via 5G networks. Hence it will accelerate the diagnosis process, treatment plans and give new hope for healthcare benefits in remote areas. Forecast estimates that 29 billion devices will be connected via 5G by 2022. It also promises a capacity of up to 1 million connected devices per sq. km. (as compared to 100,000 on 4G)
5G will bring significant improvements like a reduction in the latency by 90% compared with 4G. Also, a huge increase in bandwidth is possible- data travel at 100 Mbps reaching up to the mark of 20 Gbps at peak rates. Hence, equal opportunities can be offered to remote diagnosis and surgeries, increasing transparency and engagements in rural areas.
Predictive analysis aided data will perform critical tasks like analyzing and formulating treatment plans. All this requires rapid data transfer which is possible via 5G networks that are ultra-reliable and have high bandwidths. 5G’s architecture of software and virtualized infrastructure ensures a reduction in network faults and downtime. This is the key advantage over other connectivity solutions (wifi, 4G, Bluetooth) which brings its reliability to 99.999%.
Be prepared for the change!
It created havoc when scientists opposed the fact of utilizing 5G in the healthcare domain, but actually, that is not the case. The 5G spectrum that we will be implementing is going to be distributed in various bands. The ones with lower frequency will be used which will not cause any adverse health effects. Furthermore, 5G can connect to more devices as compared to 4G. By preparing all the technologies via 5G networks, healthcare industries can improve the quality of patient care and experience also reducing the costs of the same. I’m sure we’ll be poised for adapting 5G like many other countries.