The term ‘Diabetes’ is said to be devised in 250 BC by Apollonius Memphites in Egypt.
A study says that there are about 422 million people who are the victim of diabetes worldwide. About 1.6 million deaths occur every year worldwide on account of diabetes.
The study further says that one out of six diabetic patients are from India. India is estimated to have 77 million diabetic patients. With this huge number, India is placed at second position, next to China, in the list of top 10 countries having maximum diabetic patients.
It is projected in the ninth edition of IDF Diabetic Atlas that with this kind of growth in diabetic patients, India will be in first place for having maximum diabetic patients in next 25 years. The projected count of diabetic patients in India after 25 years from now is an astonishing number of 134 million.
One must wonder about such a colossal growth rate of diabetic patients in India and worldwide. The major cause is the lifestyle. Growing technological development has reduced physical activities of human beings drastically. Frequent consumption of high calories, low nutrient food has made it more severe. This is the reason the count of overweight and obese people in India is growing at faster rate than the world average. It is alarming that with increasing obesity due to unhealthy food habits and lack of physical activity, we are inviting diabetes to stay within our bodies.
The common symptoms of diabetes can be easily observed by being little vigilant.
- Increased thirst and urination.
- Increased hunger.
- Numbness or prickling in feet or hands.
- Unhealing sores or wounds.
- Weight loss for no apparent reason.
- Hazy vision.
- Weakness.
The symptoms develop fast in type 1 diabetes. Hence, they can be noticed easily. But in case of type 2 diabetes, the symptoms develop gradually. It may take few years. The symptoms can be too mild to be noticed. Diabetes, once developed, cannot be cured completely. If taken casually, it may affect the health seriously. It may lead to potential threats of high blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and nerve damage. The complications grow to higher levels if diabetes is overlooked. Wounds caused to a diabetic patient may need amputation of wounded body part like legs or hands. Though diabetes cannot be cured, it can be controlled. The prime focus of treatment on diabetes is keeping the blood sugar levels within normal limits. Keeping said focus the treatment includes,
- Keeping close watch on blood sugar level periodically.
- Strictly adhere to the medication prescribed by the doctor including insulin doses.
- Observing what you eat. The diet must include lean protein, high fibre, less carbohydrates, low dairy fats, and more fruits and vegetables.
- Losing weight in case of obese patients.
- Regular moderate exercise.
- Controlling blood pressure.
- Frequent health check-ups from doctors.
Prevention is always better than cure. Rather than treating diabetes after one becomes victim of it, it is better to be away from the causes of diabetes. Little change in the lifestyle will help a lot. Overweight or obesity is a major cause of diabetes. Being vigilant about our weight is important. Manage weight with regular exercise and healthy eating habits. Alcohol and tobacco are the causes of fatal diseases including diabetes. Limiting alcohol intake and saying no to smoking will help in being away from many health problems.
Once again to remind that Diabetes can be very well controlled. Visit the expert doctors for check-ups and follow their consultation to fight diabetes. Best way to avoid this is to bring some discipline in lifestyle and keep the disease like diabetes away.