The term Adolescence is derived from the Latin term "adolescere" which means "to grow up". WHO defines "adolescents" as individuals in the 10-19 years age group and “youth” as the 15-24 year age group.
These two overlapping age groups are combined in the group “young people” covering the age range 10-24 years. The age group 19-15 is also called “extended adolescence.”
Some of us have vivid childhood memories both good and bad…..some may not remember their child hood at all ..But there is no one who does not remember their adolescence…..the good and bad experiences we go through this period are remembered even when one is past sixty!
Adolescence is a glorious period of discovering ones identity, passing from the childhood into adulthood dealing with body changes of puberty, emotional and psychological changes due to surging hormones.
Some adolescents sail through this period easily without much problem ..but a majority have a lot of issues and difficulties to deal with these normal issues and do not find a suitable adult person to confide in ..which leads them to confide in their peers and can become victims of peer pressure.
Most parents take their children to a paediatrician for “ well baby clinic “ for monitoring their growth and development and giving vaccine shots. Even before the child is born ..in their pregnancy state many also read up various books on child development and are very concerned if there is a delay in the baby’s physical milestones like sitting crawling ,standing crawling etc Many also seek guidance for behavioural issues like bed wetting , temper tantrums , shyness aggression etc .when they come to the well baby clinic.
Such preparedness should also happen when their child is reaching preadolescence i.e. 8-9 years. Parents should read up about puberty and all the changes and explain to children or take them to the doctor for education .Parents should know that there are 3 stages in adolescent development early 10-13 yrs ,mid -14-16 yrs and late 17-19 yrs . In each stage the adolescence has different emotional social psychological characteristics and deal with teens accordingly
How many parents do that? Very very few ..
This leads to labeling of the adolescent as arrogant, rude, irresponsible, lazy, lack of motivation, preferring internet and screen activities at the cost of studies, loving friends more than parents , not wanting to go to family functions etc and many many more labels. These are often is just normal phases of development and if understood and dealt with in a mature way by parents often transient
For this is it important to have a well adolescent clinic which will give parental guidance and also assess the holistic development of the adolescents and the experts are trained to handle all the queries that adolescents have on any issue in their life – academic, emotional, sexual, relationships, etc. We will soon be launching this clinic at Jehangir Hospital.
Please keep reading this blog for further information of the services we will offer and interesting information about understanding adolescence