Payment Facilities
Financial arrangements for your hospital stay must be made prior to or at the time of admission. Please indicate the mode of payment you will use and make your preferences known before your admission. The responsibility for the payment of accounts will fall under one of the categories.
In this case you may be asked for a deposit based on the estimated length of your stay at the hospital as advised by your consultant. The deposit is payable on your admission. The initial deposit is only an approximate amount. This may not vary most of the time.
The Billing Staff will periodically inform you of your interim bills and additional payments to be made (if any). In case you require details or for any discrepancy, you can approach our billing section.
However if the patient’s condition warrants unscheduled surgical intervention, shift to ICU, use of ventilator and high-end antibiotics, then daily or alternate payment slip will be raised. In this context you are requested to update the deposit made periodically. Final bill will be given at the time of discharge.
Please ensure that all payments are made promptly. Upon discharge, a comprehensive bill showing all necessary details will be given to you. No payments outside of what is shown in the bill should be made and kindly refrain from giving tips to any of our staff. Please feel free to contact the Billing In-Charge in case of any queries or clarifications.
- Payment is accepted by Cash / Credit Card / Debit Card only. Personal Cheques are not accepted.
- Administrative charges will be charged as applicable on every bill. It is the operational charge for the services being availed of by you.
- Refunds above `5,000/- will be made by Cheques only and sent to you at the address in our records.
- Dietitian’s charges will be charged separately for diet planning of the patient.
In case a patient has been admitted in a lower category room due to non availability of a room of their choice and subsequently transferred, billing will be done as follows:
- Bed charges / investigations on actuals as per room category.
- Consultation / Surgeon’s fees as per higher category
- Theatre / procedure charges as per higher category.
- Patient admitted in semi private / private rooms opting for general ward after surgery will be charged for the surgery at the rate applicable for the accommodation occupied on admission.
- For patient transferred to intensive care unit (ICU), room / bed occupied earlier must be vacated. In case of double occupancy, additional charges will be levied as per category of room.
Schedule of Deposit / Advance
- Predetermined package – 100% of the package cost
- Elective procedure – 90% of estimated hospital charges
- All other cases – 80% of estimated hospital charge.
- In case of ‘2’ & ‘3’ above. The Doctor’s charges would be over and above the amount.
- If your bill is to be paid by your company, please ensure that you bring with you a signed letter from your company clearly accepting responsibility for all medical treatment. The Hospital will provide treatment in the bed category specified by your company. Any deviations from the instructions will be billed directly to you. The Hospital will be willing to share with you in advance, approximate cost of treatment, investigations, hospital charges etc.
- Such information can be obtained in advance from the billing personnel.
- Refund of deposit is given only up to `10,000/- in cash if the bill is finalized before 5:30 PM. If bill is finalized later or if it is a higher amount, refund is by cheque/ NEFT only next day. If deposit is made through credit card, then refund is after 3 working days subject to funds clearance.
- Please note that all your inpatient billing payments are to be made only at the I.P billing office. No other personnel is authorized to collect any payment from you.
- Bill estimate given is an approximate amount calculated on the basis of clinical condition as well as average length of stay. This may vary at the time of final discharge.
- If the Company Paying credit patient gets admission at night, they are requested to visit respective offices (TPA/Corp desk etc.) in morning in order to complete the documentation, till the time of receiving cashless documents; patient will be treated as cash paying patient for all aspects.
- All Payments are accepted only at the Cashier’s Counter in the Inpatient Billing Department, Customers are requested to obtain a valid receipt from the Cashier for the payment(s) made.
- If the patient’s attendants retain the room (subject to availability), while the patient is in ICU – 2 times of the room rent per day to be paid. Any additional services availed in the room by the relatives will be charged on actual.
- IP admission charges are `300/- per admission.
- Cashless processing charges for insurance/TPA is `500/- per case. Hospital is not responsible for delay or denial of the approval. Approval or denial of the claim is a matter to be settled between Insurance/ TPA and the patient. The hospital endeavours, at all times, that the process goes through speedily.
- Patients will be responsible for co-payment amount: Component from total billing (remaining amount) needs to be collected from the patient once Insurance Company confirms the final sanction and as mentioned in the approval document. Also patient need to pay the non-payable charges as defined by the Insurance/TPA at the time of discharge.
- The day of admission will be charged as full day, irrespective of duration/time of admission.
- Most health insurance policies do offer cashless hospitalization facility and route your policy through a Third Party Administrator (TPA). If you get hospitalized at a Network Hospital of your TPA, you will be eligible for cashless hospitalization. However, if you get admitted at a Non-network Hospital, then you will need to settle the bills directly and seek reimbursement from your TPA.
- The Hospital has tie-ups with Third Party Administrators (TPA) to provide cashless benefit to patients with medical insurance. Cashless hospitalization is a facility provided by most health insurance policies and enables an insured customer to obtain admission and undergo the required treatment without a direct payment. The role of the hospital in cashless hospitalization is that of a facilitator only. The hospital has no authority to approve or disapprove any request for cashless hospitalization. To smoothen the cashless service there are guidelines to be followed.
- Establish contact with the Insurance / Corporate desk at the hospital. You will need to present your original health insurance card issued to you by your TPA. Collect the pre-authorization form pertaining to your TPA. Forms are available at the counter from 9.00am to 8.00pm (all days). (Sundays:- 9:30am – 5:30pm). Cashless processing is priced at `500/- per case.
- The Hospital is only a ‘Service Provider’ and acts as a facilitator to expedite the insurance process, hence sanction of insurance is beyond the scope of responsibilities of the hospital. TPA/Insurance may fail to deduct certain charges but mention generic wordings for it and accordingly they will be collected by the hospital. Patient can claim reimbursement for the same through insurance company as per their policy.
- General details on the health insurance policy – to be filled in by you (the Insurance / Corporate Desk will assist you in case you have any difficulty).
- Pertains to the treatment recommended for you – it needs to be filled in and duly signed by the Doctor who is treating you (do not attempt to fill this section; contact the Insurance/ Corporate Desk in case of any difficulty). This form is to be filled by the insurance policy holder.
- Your Doctor will complete the medical details and sign the form. The Ward Secretary will help you facilitate the process. The completed form will be handed over to you which has then to be taken to TPA counter wherein it will be faxed or e-mailed to the concerned party.
- Kindly ensure that information provided by you is correct and consistent especially with respect to pre-existing ailments, as discrepancy in facts would result in rejection of claim and/or delays.
- The fully completed form is to be submitted within 24 hours of admission.
- In case of non-submission of form with stipulated time period, the patient will be asked to make the payment in cash
- Filling the authorization form does not mean that your claim has been approved.
- The authorization of the amount is entirely at the discretion of the insurance company. The hospital is only a facilitator in this process and does not play any role whatsoever.
- We will be working on your insurance approval however, at the same time, kindly keep yourself updated of the latest status of your claim at regular intervals.
- In case the insurance company rejects the claim at any point of time, the patient is liable to make the entire payment to the Hospital.
- All non-admissible charges (administrative charges, dietician charges, extra food, telephone, barber etc.) are to be borne by the patient as per the IRDA rule. The Hospital is only a ‘Service Provider’ and acts as a facilitator to expedite the insurance process, hence sanction of insurance does not come under the hospital purview.
- Before the patient is discharged, the discharge summary and final bills are sent for final sanction.
- The patient will be given clearance once the final bill is sanctioned by the insurance provider.
- Please Note: All original reports including films and discharge summary along with bill will be forwarded to the insurance company for payment.