This year's World Obesity Day is observed with the theme, "Everybody Needs to Act." Every year, March 4th is observed as World Obesity Day to educate people about obesity and help them overcome it. Obesity is like a chronic pandemic and you can call it a "silent killer" as it puts people at greater risk for severe diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, lung damage, and many more. It is one of the biggest health concerns that people are facing in the world today.

Numerous factors that lead to weight gain are unhealthy eating habits, environments, and lifestyles. According to current statistics, more than 135 million people in India are affected by obesity. The prevalence of obesity varies from rural areas to urban areas in India.

What are the consequences and health risks of being overweight?

Obesity is a big concern due to its implications on the health of a person as it doubles the risk of various health conditions and diseases like coronary heart disease, stroke, cancers, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, liver and gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, sleep apnoea, osteoarthritis, gynaecological issues, and even infertility. These health conditions may cause or contribute to premature death and degrade the quality of life.

What are the different ways to maintain a healthy weight?

This World Obesity Day, we bring you a few tips to fight obesity and maintain a healthy weight:

1) Eat good food.

Cut down the intake of processed or junk foods. Reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates. Avoid food products that contain too much of refined sugar and cheese. Choose foods with high nutritional value, like whole grains, pulses, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Try to look for alternatives. For example, choose oat biscuits over normal ones, which are high in fibre and also make you feel full for a longer period of time. Make sure that vegetables and fruits make up at least half of your plate at every meal. Whether it's a plate full of fresh salad or any other recipe, adding more greens to your diet ensures that you consume a lot less of calories. It will also make your meals more healthy and nutritious.

2) Watch your portion size.

Eating smaller portions at regular intervals can reduce your chances of overeating. Most people these days follow the idea of three meals a day, with two small snack meals every day. Also, make sure that you have a well-balanced meal as often as possible.

3) Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water, along with eating healthy foods and exercising, can aid in maintaining a healthy weight. According to the World Obesity Society, drinking a sufficient amount of water on an everyday basis can shrink your waistline and also change your body fat percentage.

4) Track what you eat

Most individuals are unaware of the amount of calories they consume each day, which is why it’s very important to track the exact number of calories you eat and drink every day. If you wish to lose weight, you should burn more calories than you consume.

5) Exercise regularly

Move, exercise, or indulge in some kind of physical activity to shed those extra calories. Exercising simply does not mean spending hours at the gym. You can walk several miles, run, play football, or do any physical activity.

6) Take enough rest

Besides staying hydrated and following a good diet, it is also important to get enough rest. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night is very crucial. Obesity is more of a lifestyle disease, so while you're changing your daily routine to lose weight, make sure you're also getting enough rest. Jehangir Hospital has one of the best bariatric surgery centres in Pune that treats obesity. Weight loss can be achieved by following the recommended diet by the dietitian at our centre, by doing regular exercise or physical activity, or by weight loss surgeries.